Beginning, General Orientation!

It all begins…

After 5 months of lazying around…



Suddenly Binus’ General Orientation began.



July 27th, 2015

I got into ABN15 class. It was a class which consist all double-programs students and a bit of Computer Science students. We met with our BCs (Buddy Coordinators) and start with the searching for Leader and Vice-leader of Class (something like that, idk). We got Binusian 2019 cheers to memorize and planned to make another cheers on the other day.

All worked together for the cheers and we succesfully memorized both Bina Nusantara Anthem and Binusian Anthem quickly. Having to go late to practice the cheers. But we all worked hard to make our ABN15 better than others and I had fun with all of them.

On General Orientation, Binus offered us many new information about Binus itself. We don’t get absurd requests like most of college’s orientations. We learnt about our college, how to use its facilities, the clubs, and things that will most likely be important for us. This orientation was useful, not just for fun but its information, and things offered here was all important.

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